Activate or deactivate functions (calls, sms, messaging)

  • Updated

(From the mobile application only)

You can activate/deactivate calls, messages and even voicemail.

For calls and messages:
From the home screen, open the left-hand pane via the side menu ☰ top left,
Scroll down to "Options" under your Onoff number,
Activate or deactivate the various features with the on/off buttons.

For voicemail:
From the home screen, go to the "Voicemail" tab.
Touch the "microphone" icon,
Choose the Onoff number, then use the on/off button to activate or deactivate voicemail.

To deactivate the Onoff number :
From the Home screen, open the left pane via the ☰ side menu at top left,
Activate or deactivate the On/Off button at the level of the category name.

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