Renew my expired number (manual and auto)

  • Updated

If you are renewing manually

° On the mobile app :
- Pull down the "Options" menu under your number,
- Press "Number settings",
- Click on "Renew",
- Choose the desired subscription and duration.

° On the website :
Go to "My account" Select "Billing" And check your bank details, or add a new credit card.
You can then go to the Onoff application to renew your number manually, on the home page.

If you're on automatic renewal
You don't need to do anything, your blind will renew your number automatically.
However, it sometimes happens that, at the time of automatic renewal, your store is unable to debit your account. As a result, your number expires and has to be renewed manually.

To do this, you must first cancel the subscription on your store.

° On Apple Store :
To view your current subscriptions and cancel, go to "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad.
Touch your username at the top of the screen, then "Subscriptions",
Select the "Onoff" subscription, then tap "Unsubscribe".
You can then go to the Onoff app to manually renew your number.

° On Google Store :
Go to "Play Store" and make sure you're on the main page.
Press the profile icon in the top right-hand corner, to the right of the Google search box.
Click on "Payments and subscriptions". The automatically renewable subscription is managed via your personal account on your Android device.
Choose which subscription you wish to cancel and click on it.
Press the "CANCEL" button of the chosen subscription. You have now cancelled your auto-renewable subscription.

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